Virtually every free moment of Rick Drew’s life has been spent on the waters of Eastern Long Island. He is passionate about fishing and as a young man earned his first paychecks hard clamming and scalloping.
He lives in the Northwest Woods with his wife, Susan, recently retired from a 30-year teaching career in the East Hampton school system—and daughters Alyssa and Carly.
As an avid outdoorsman and businessman, Rick Drew believes the foundation of our community is to protect our local environment and natural resources: East Hampton deserves a healthy environment, clean water, accessible natural resources, and economic stability so that local families and business can continue to thrive.
Currently, Rick is the service manager of Seacoast Enterprises Associates in East Hampton, thereby combining his love of the ocean and his passion for technology.
His love of the Town and the water comes to the fore in his support of local organizations like the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of the Hamptons, Peconic Baykeeper, East Hampton Volunteer Ocean Rescue, and the East Hampton Shellfish Hatchery. Rick believes public access to our beaches, bottomlands and waterways is essential and supports and defends our Township’s Dongan Patent and the New York State Public Trust Doctrine.