Kathy Hochul is the 57th Governor of New York.
As governor, she has brought a fresh and collaborative approach to governing to get results for New Yorkers.
Since taking office, Kathy has taken action to make New York a national leader in tackling the COVID crisis by enforcing the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers and calling for universal masking in schools. In addition, as the State’s first female governor, she has reaffirmed abortion rights in New York in the wake of Texas passing strict, anti-abortion laws, so that abortion access is always safe and available in New York. These actions have earned her the endorsement of groups like EMILY’s List, who have recognized her devotion to advancing women’s rights. Kathy has also fought for families trying to make ends meet. In some of her earliest actions as governor, Kathy passed an eviction moratorium, accelerated rental assistance, and released $200 million for food assistance. She is dedicated to keeping businesses afloat and families secure, all while growing New York’s economy as our State comes back stronger than ever before. A lifelong New Yorker, Kathy was born and raised in a blue-collar Irish Catholic family in Buffalo that instilled in her a deep passion for public service. Kathy watched her mother raise six children, all while engaged in social and racial justice movements. And she watched her dad dream big for his family — working in a steel plant by day and getting an education by night. She took those lessons of courage, risk-taking, and her own fighting spirit to become a student organizer and activist at Syracuse University, and then a young attorney and a legislative assistant to Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Kathy has had the privilege of serving New Yorkers as a member of the Hamburg Town Board, Erie County Clerk, member of Congress, lieutenant governor, and now as the 57th governor of our great State. In 2011, she ran for Congress as a proud Democrat in Western New York, and always focused on what was best for families. Speaking out against the radical Republican agenda to defund Medicare, she emerged victoriously in the reddest district in the State.
Suffolk County Democrats