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Barbara Jean Ianfolla caandidate for Town Council


July 21, 2021
Shelter Island Democratic Committee announces 2021 Candidate for Two Year Unexpired Town Council Term

At this past Sunday’s SIDC event, supporters were introduced to the newest addition to the 2021 Campaign slate. Barbara Jean Ianfolla, a twice-elected, trusted and experienced former Assessor has stepped up to serve once again and run for the two-year term.

Chairman Heather Reylek said, “The addition of Barbara Jean (BJ) Ianfolla rounds out our slate and brings unique qualities of an outside perspective, in-depth understanding of how our Town works, and an intense drive to improve our community. We have an excellent team running for election in November with both familiar and new faces. Supervisor Siller is running unopposed. Brett Surerus, an energetic community volunteer, leader, and activist is running for the four-year Town Council seat, and Kristina Martin-Majdišová, a driven, innovative, and technically proficient current Town Hall staffer is running for Town Clerk. These candidates bring the experience and fresh ideas we need, and are highly qualified long time Islanders. Their knowledge and expertise will move Shelter Island forward towards a brighter future. In addition, the S.I. Democratic Committee has endorsed Brian Sherman for Highway Superintendent, and Patricia Castoldi for Assessor. These offices are both unopposed.”