Robert Hanlon

Southold Town Council
Robert Hanlon

Bob and his wife, Jessica Frankel, first bought a home in Southold in 2006 and decided they wanted to spend the rest of their years here. They made the move full-time in 2010 when they bought an 1869 farmhouse in Orient, which they are still lovingly restoring.

Southold resident for 14 years, 10 years full time
Fire District Commissioner
Former President, Orient Association
Oysterponds Historical Society Board Member
Intellectual property lawyer/litigator
First Director of Screening NYC Public Schools
School administrator and department head
Public school teacher

Since arriving on the North Fork, Bob has served four years as the president of the Orient Association. He successfully led the fight to stop the plan to reroute truck traffic from the New England Thruway to the Town of Southold, and led efforts to prevent the development of Plum Island, gain approval for innovative/advanced wastewater treatment systems, bring more transparency to Town boards and committees, preserve historic buildings in the Town.

Bob serves as an Orient Fire District Commissioner and recovered over $70,000 in fees from a cell tower company for the Fire District. He also helped tighten fiscal controls after a critical State audit,

Bob also presently serves on the Board of the Oysterponds Historical Society. Jessica is the Reference Librarian at the Southold Free Library. Bob and Jessica have two adult sons (neither of whom live at home), and two grandchildren whom they are teaching to be amateur stonemasons, gardeners, and sailors.