David Glazer

Southampton Receiver of Taxes
David Glazer

A lifelong resident of Long Island, I have been a homeowner since 1974 with homes, cooperative apartments, and condominium apartments in Nassau and Suffolk Counties and in Bethesda, Maryland where I lived for a few years.

In 2010, I moved out to Southampton and continued full time work with my NYC based company. As a senior healthcare operations executive, my work took me to different locales rather than corporate Headquarters, and I flew out of JFK Airport each Monday morning; it really didnt matter where I lived. I took this opportunity to choose a place where I thought I would stay in retirement, and that is exactly what happened. At the end of 2018, I retired from all work including part time consulting.

For most of my career I worked in Healthcare and managed large groups of people located in a variety of offices. I have extensive history with budgets, sales presentations, client facing meetings, opening new offices, private sector and government sector funding opportunities, annual meetings, interviewing, hiring, and evaluating staff, and coordinating strategic plans for changing lines of business. I have managed small groups of people and hundreds of staff, with dozens of directors and multiple levels of managers.

I started out in Government, working for New York State in 1971 and worked my way though numerous government positions in NYC, Long Island, and Upstate NY. For my last three years working for NY State, I was loaned to the Federal Government for a National pilot program at the National Institiutes of Mental Health. In 1981, I moved back to NYC and into the Non profit arena where I eventually became CEO of a large non profit organization that provided housing and services for the mentally ill, and educational programs for those earning degrees/certificates to treat mentally ill folks in our communities. By 1995 I moved into the private sector working for three national health care companies over the coarse of 23 years.

In 1995, just before moving into a corporate environment, I took a year to experience a complete change of work…….I devoted that year to working for a Museum in New York, fund raising for and marketing the museums specialty shows. And for some ten years while I worked in Health care, I also owned with other partners three other businesses in New York City….a corporate event space, a Madison Avenue hair salon., and a small restaurant Those were very busy years for me and gave me real life experience into the challenges of small business ownership.

Over the course of the last fifty years I have been a volunteer and volunteer officer for numerous non profits, co-operative boards, educational institutions and advocacy groups. I enjoyed the time I spent working for each of those organizations, the diverse group of people I met, the good we were spreading and the satisfaction one gets from helping others as each of us has been helped along the way.

I am a believer in re-inventing myself, in exploring as much as I can in both life and work. I loved the life of the big city as much as I love the life of living on the East End. I feel lucky to have been able to experience and continue experiencing both, and want to do my share to support my community. This was the driving influence which brought me to sign on to run for the Receiver of Taxes on the Democratic Ticket. I feel a commitment on the part of all of those on the ticket to support and protect our East End communities….from environmental issues, to affordable housing, traffic concerns, commercial and private property over-building, and safety/policing concerns.

Every elected official plays his or her part in making sure we Protect and Preserve our communities.

It isn’t every day that a person with demonstrated community spirit and proven ability decides to stand for election