Andrew Brosnan

Southampton Town Trustee
Andy Brosnan

As an environmental advocate and waterman, I have always had a keen awareness of the need to preserve and protect our natural resources. I have spent my entire career striving to understand our marine environment and find practical solutions to create a sustainable, balanced ecosystem.
I grew up on the water — sailing, surfing, water-skiing, fishing. Some of my earliest memories are of my father teaching me to swim, fish and operate boats.
My love of the water took me to South Florida, where I received a Master of Public Administration, and raced sailboats for fun. I became a grant writer for the City of Miami Beach and was involved in the renovation of the city’s popular Art Deco District.
I later relocated to Rockland County, NY, where I served as assistant director to the Office of the Aging, and subsequently as Coordinator of Child Support Enforcement Unit. I have spent over 20 years in county government administration, and I firmly believe in the value of public service.
For the past 10 years, I have been the captain of various research vessels for SUNY Stony Brook Southampton. My work as a research vessel captain has provided me with direct and in-depth knowledge of relevant scientific data about our marine environment.
I am deeply involved in local environmental advocacy, and I served as Chairman of Surfrider Foundation’s Eastern Long Island Chapter for four years. At Surfrider, we have implemented some of the region’s most successful environmental awareness campaigns, including the recent ban of plastic straws and polystyrene food containers.
As your Southampton Town Trustee, I will bring new input, and a fresh voice to the community. I will introduce science and consistent policy to our work in water quality improvement, land stewardship and beach access. My goal is to protect our natural resources, expand marine based industries and continue to attract visitors to our ocean, beaches and bays.
Water Quality
Water is the heart of Eastern Long Island. Our major industries, both commercial and recreational, depend on the water. However, we have an increasing problem with water quality in our area. Excessive nitrates, stemming from septic systems and over-fertilization, seep into our waters causing toxic algae blooms and an imbalanced ecosystem. Plastic pollutes our ocean, causing harm to organisms and contaminating our beaches. The time to act is now.
Promote the use of nitrate reducing strategies.
Increase the population of algae predators, such as shellfish, by supporting breeder sanctuaries in our bay.
Support the reduction of single use plastic, as well as the ban of plastic straws, polystyrene and intentional release of balloons.
Utilize science and research to make informed decisions on how to improve our water quality.
Health of Our Bays
The health of our bays depends upon a balanced ecosystem. Toxic algae blooms, lack of natural predators, rising sea levels, invasive plant species along our coast — all phenomena caused by humans — have caused the natural cycle of our bays to become imbalanced. This imbalance causes a negative impact on our coastal community and economy. I propose to work with nature, rather than against it, to get our natural cycle back to an appropriate balance.
Work with nature to achieve a balanced ecosystem.
Rely on marine science and research to fully understand and improve the health of our bays.
Support the DEC and other governmental agencies in their effort to protect our marine habitat.
Promote the expansion of native and nitrate-reducing plantings along our coast.
Sustainable Marine Harvesting
The goal of sustainable marine harvesting is to work with nature to replenish the bays with shellfish and finfish. This can be accomplished with assistance of hatcheries, breeder sanctuaries and appropriate regulations. This will help ensure that current and future generations of baymen have adequate resources.
Support shellfish hatcheries as a way to supplement and ensure the growth of their natural population.
Work toward restoring balance to our ecosystem, so that eventually we can rely on our natural cycles.
Discuss with DEC the potential for slot-limits for select finfish.
Rely on scientific research as a way to determine the health and population of our marine organisms.